December 10, 2004

Best Astrology Software

If you're looking for the best free astrology software program, there is one outstanding resource out there and it is Walter Pullan's Astrolog software.

Astrolog has been around since before the advent of the web and it's the best of the free choices. Once you download it, it's yours. It doesn't expire and no one bugs you about shareware updates. It has loads of quality features for people who already understand a bit about astrology. However astrolog does not provide interpretations of the data and it may be too complex for people who are still at the beginning stages of their astrology studies.

I'm not sure what's happened to Walter Pullan since he provided this software online for free many years ago. But I do know that not much else of value is available in the free software realm of astrology. This is for a good reason, it requires a great deal of time and expertise to come up with a quality product.

When we look at non-free software, the top website for providing comparative reviews of customized reports and software programs is the Astrology Software Shop. They are resellers for over seventy different products. The site is useful in providing screen shots, descriptions and feedback from users.

If you are looking for personalized astrology reports rather than astrology software, here are the options at Astrology Software Shop:

Natal Reports:
Are you a beginner and looking for a good natal report that you are willing to pay for? Link here to view the best natal reports recommended at Astrology Software Shop.

Compatibility Reports:
If you want to compare two charts for long-term relationship potential, they review the best compatibility reports here.

Forecast Reports:
To get a customized report of your transits for the next twelve months, check out the selection of reports here.