June 28, 2005

Jupiter Direct through Libra

Orange HappinessJupiter was retrograde for most of this year (since February) but it turned direct last month and will continue picking up speed over the next few weeks as it transits through the last two-thirds of Libra until it enters Scorpio in late October.

Jupiter Direct in Libra is one of the most benefic transits for Aquarians. At some point Jupiter will trine your Sun in Aquarius. To see what kind of predictions hold for this kind of transit, view the article about Jupiter trine Sun here.

To find out when exactly Jupiter will be trining your Sun and any other planets you may have in Aquarius, check out this nifty transit calculator available at Horozcope.com. This tool is very useful for those who already understand the symbols of astrology. You can also use it to check how previous Jupiter trine Sun transits affected you, by seeing what year and month this event last occurred in your personal chart.

The above image is "Orange Happiness" by Larissa Casebolt

June 21, 2005

1962 Aquarius Stellium - Update

Meeting IIt's been almost five months since I put out the call for 1962 Aquarians to contact me. As of today I've received ten emails from people with a stellium in Aquarius. The good news is that it looks like this web site is finally showing up in the Google search engine for words such as "stellium in Aquarius". This should speed up the rate of responses.

If you are an Aquarian born in January or February of 1962, please see the
article here.