Any Aquarians born around the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius (on January 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th) will be feeling the Venus effect strongly over the next few weeks as Venus will fixate on only the first two degrees of Aquarius over this entire period.
These lucky Aquarian cusp people will find themselves to be unusually magnetic to the opposite sex throughout this several week period. They may also be the ones experiencing the most gaiety and joyful festivities over this Christmas season. This is because Venus will be spending an inordinate amount of time basking on their Sun. (It will be conjunct their Sun this whole time).
Typically a Venus transit over your Sun sign placement only lasts for two or three days. This once a year retrograde just happens to fall on the Aquarius cusp this year and will last for several weeks.
Enjoy the Venusian pleasures while they last!
Update: See also Venus in Aquarius for March 2006