This is an update for Aquarians born in 1962.
As you know, I'm trying to get at least 200 people to take part in a survey of 1962 Aquarians. These are people born with the highest concentration of Aquarius planets throughout any time in history.
I have some sorry news. I've collected emails from almost 100 people since I put out the call two years ago. But a while ago I was cleaning my email folders and accidentally deleted all the emails from 1962 Aquarians! After this happened I was so unhappy with myself and ready to fold everything and just quit. I really don't want to start all over again.
However then I thought maybe it's better this way. This whole process should be more of a collaboration and less centrally planned (more on that later).
Because I started this two years ago, I am sure many people who responded in the first year may no longer even be interested in participating. And many of the emails I got were people's secondary addresses that may no longer be active. So I thought it would be better to try this instead:
Would all 1962 Aquarians who want to participate in the survey please add your vote in the comments here with just 1) your name (or nickname), 2) date of birth and 3) ascendant and moon sign (if known).
This way we will all know exactly how many people are on the list and how fast it's growing. It's also a good way for people to see if they have an astrology twin on this list.
Once we approach 200 names we can talk about how to best proceed with the survey. I hope you agree this may be a better way to go.
Please add your vote below for the survey to go ahead.
This is just a roll call. Only one post per person please (to keep it simple for counting heads.) You can hopefully also introduce yourself at the meeting place if you haven't yet done so.