As you know, I'm trying to get at least 200 people to take part in a survey of 1962 Aquarians. These are people born with the highest concentration of Aquarius planets throughout any time in history.
I have some sorry news. I've collected emails from almost 100 people since I put out the call two years ago. But a while ago I was cleaning my email folders and accidentally deleted all the emails from 1962 Aquarians! After this happened I was so unhappy with myself and ready to fold everything and just quit. I really don't want to start all over again.
However then I thought maybe it's better this way. This whole process should be more of a collaboration and less centrally planned (more on that later).
Because I started this two years ago, I am sure many people who responded in the first year may no longer even be interested in participating. And many of the emails I got were people's secondary addresses that may no longer be active. So I thought it would be better to try this instead:
Would all 1962 Aquarians who want to participate in the survey please add your vote in the comments here with just 1) your name (or nickname), 2) date of birth and 3) ascendant and moon sign (if known).
This way we will all know exactly how many people are on the list and how fast it's growing. It's also a good way for people to see if they have an astrology twin on this list.
Once we approach 200 names we can talk about how to best proceed with the survey. I hope you agree this may be a better way to go.
Please add your vote below for the survey to go ahead.
This is just a roll call. Only one post per person please (to keep it simple for counting heads.) You can hopefully also introduce yourself at the meeting place if you haven't yet done so.
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»January 30th 1962
Gemini Ascendant, Scorpio Moon
February 10th 1962
Leo Ascendant, Taurus Moon
Rome (Italy) February 5th 1962 11:00 am
Taurus ascendant, Aquarius moon
Atlanta, February 3rd 1962, 3:20 A.M.
Sagitarius Ascendant, Capricorn Moon
January 22th 1962
Gemini Ascendant, Leo Moon
January 22, '62, Virgo Ascendant, Leo Moon
February 9th 1962
Taurus Ascendant, Aries Moon
Jan 22 1962
Virgo asc, Leo moon
Robyn said....
February 6, 1962
Scorpio Ascendant, Pisces Moon
February 5th 1962 5:24AM (EST)
Capricorn Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
Doug said . . .
February 8, 1962
Leo Ascendant, Aries Moon
Feb 4th 1962, Cancer Ascendant,Moon Aquarius.
Feb. 4th 1962, Toronto, Canada 2:00 a.m. Lisa
Peggy K.
January 31, 1962!
Sophie - February 2nd, 1962
Ascendant Virgo
Moon in Capricorn
January 19th 1962
Virgo Ascendant, Cancer Moon
Mindy said...
February 14, 1962
Pisces Ascendant, Cancer Moon
February 5th, 1962
Sagittarius Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
diane lynn 4 february 1962 i think the survey will be very interesting and may answer many questions i have about the routes i take and their consequences.
Cynthia (Greek for Moon Godess)(nicknames Cynner, Skunk) Born February 4, 1962@ 6:33 pm in Galt, Ontario, Canada. Leo ascendant, Aquaris moon.
January 26th 1962
Aquarius Ascendant
Libra Moon
February 8th 1962, York, England
Capricorn Ascendant, Aries Moon
January 22, 1962, 5:05 AM, Norristown, PA
Saggitarius ascendant, Leo moon
Jan 24 1962
Gemini/Taurus Ascendant???
Virgo Moon
13th Feb 1962
Saggitarius Ascendant
Gemini Moon
Feb 8, 1962
La Paz, Bolivia
January 22, 1962
11:14 pm
Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada
Libra Ascendant, Virgo Moon
feb 13th 1962
Shirl H.
February 10th 1962
February 12, 1962
Pieces Ascendant
Kathleen Seattle Feb 5 00:19 am
scorpio ascendent, aquarius moon
1962.2.8 - leo.ascendant - aries.moon
February 11, 1962
Born: Ravenna, Ohio
Taurus Ascendant, Taurus Moon
Pisces Ascendant, Virgo Moon
February 6 1962 (6.20am - lots of 2s and 6s)
Capricorn Ascendant, Pisces Moon
February 8th 1962
Scorpio Ascendant, ??Pisces Moon
22 January 1962, Masterton N.Z.
Ascendent ?? Leo Moon
Feb 5, 1962 - 1:10am Portland, OR
Scorpio Ascendent, Aquarius Moon
february 1, 1962
Sagittarius ascendant, Sagittarius moon
born in Philadelphia, PA
February 5th 1962
Virgo Ascendant, Pisces Moon
February 5th 1962
Belinda said
4th february 1962
London, England
Aquarius moon
??????? ascendent
lmg, Feb 14, 1962, 7:11 AM..New Jersey
Saravuth, born in Pnom Penh, Cambodia in 1962. Exact birthdate is unknown. Any birth records were lost during the war. My family used to call me a little tiger because I was born on the tiger year which was 1962. I have many life experiences to share with all you. Part of my life was published in a book called "Children of Cambodian's Killing Fields". I'm working on my second book right now.
Denise Harrison
January 26,1962 2:53 A.M.
Trenton, New Jersey.
I am so glad that I found this website! It is good to know that 1962 is well represented.
February 5th 1962 7:15am
Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
Janette February 4th, 1962
February 16, 1962
Capricorn Ascendant, Cancer Moon
February 5, 1962
7:00 a.m.
Aquarius ascendant, Aquarius moon
Feb. 19th 1962 1:35am
Waukegan Il. living on the edge
I am 21 days into 1963, would that still do to participate in the survey ?
Roxanne jan 21 1963 ( sun/saturn in aquarius )
Aquarius rising Virgo (moon/venus Saggisttarious)
Water Tiger
February 1, 1962
Sagittarius ascendant, Sagittarius moon
February 1, 1962
Taurus Ascendant, Sagittaruis Moon
February 6, 1962
4:30 am
can i still post? cuz, my husband and myself are: 2-3-55 4:03 a/m teaneck NJ, female, teresa, aka (terri), my husband: 2-3-61 6:40 a/m queens ny, edward...aka ed, all i've read i can relate too!! painfully so! and so can ed...this goes beyond that one year!, thanx...terri
February 6, 1962
Aquarius Ascendant, Pisces Moon
February 5th, 1962, 5:33 am
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Capricorn Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
Feb 11 1962 I was conceived on the ground my Mother craved and did eat dirt.I was born on a the ground.born on the moon of the cold winds.I could not have my forskin cut until I was able to crawl. (to make real sure!)
Kai - StormyH2o22@Yahoo.com
Born Friday Feb. 9th 1962 9am Oakland Kaiser Hospital. My Mom and Grand Mother always made a big deal out of my Astrolgy but I have not grasped the significance yet. Maybe you can help?
January 23rd 1962
Bristol, Tennessee
February 11th 1962 11:55pm (PST)
Ascendent Scoripo, Moon Gemini
Feb 7 1962
Aquarius Rising
February 2nd 1962
Sorry I'm late, but I have arrived :-) What a long strange trip it's been!
Pennsylvania, USA
January 26, 62
Virgo Ascendant, Libra Moon
Who removed the yahoo group?
February 4, 1962
? Ascendant, ? Moon
13 February 1962
Aquarius ascendant, Gemini Moon
Sagittarius midheaven
I'm new here.
Was born on 2/4/62 at 12:01EST, near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. My rising sign was Gemini. A few planets, I think, are very much aligned.
I've been looking for all of you for, well, my whole life!
Please email me if you'd like, at,
February 2nd 1962
Sydney, 29th January, 1962
Now living in Paris, France
Lisa living currently in Las Vegas, Nevada
Born February 3rd, 1962 in Decatur, Illinois at 12:20 A.M.
Verrrrry interesting... I just found out about this from a fellow Aquastell in a class we are in together (Practical Mysticism) at the Religious Science church we belong to. How very practical ;-)
I am Carrie - born 1/24/62, Leo Ascendant, Virgo Moon.
Hello, I was born Pamela Sue Ash and my birth date is February 17, 1962, 2:37pm, St. Louis, Mo., USA.
My Rising sign is Cancer,
Moon is Leo.
Christopher Coppola
January 25, 1962
Leo rising, Libra moon
Check out www.pahnation.com....this is something I have been building that I think will help people tap into the creative process, find their unique voices and make the world a better place.
Feb.5, 1962, 10:08am EST, Ohio
Aries Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
Mary L. Hardy
January 27th, 1962
4:00 a.m. in Missouri, USA
Keith said...
February 6th, 1962 12:27 pm. Chicago.
Gemini ascendent, Pisces Moon
February 18th, 1962
Gemini Ascendant, Leo Moon
Feb 13, 1962
Libra rising (ascendant) Gemini Moon
Love hate relationship with all the air. Love thoughts ideas, etc, but occasionally- albeit rarely- wish I had some earth or water going on in my chart. Mainly air, tiny bit o fire.
february 18th 1962 from Melbourne Australia
Feburary 3 1962
Aries Ascendant, Capricorn Moon
February 5, 1962
Norman, OK 9:20 am
Pisces Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
February 10th 1962
Sag Ascendant, Aries Moon
February 4th 1962
Aquarius moon, Taurus rising
11:00am Soest, Westfalen Germany
February 4th 1962, 11:00am Aquarius Moon, Taurus rising. Soest, Westfalen Germany
February 5th 1962
Lynwood, CA USA
Janet said...
21 January 1962
Toronto, ON
Ascendant: Scorpio
Moon: Leo
Tim, Feb 18 1962, Aldershot, England
January 28th 1962
Aquarius Ascendant, Scorpio moon
February 7th 1962 1710 hrs
i was born feb 15th 1962
20 January 1962
Sun Aquarius 0°10'13
Moon Cancer 29°34'20
Ascendant Leo 6°39'15
January 25, 1962
Ascendant: Sagittarius
Moon: Virgo
Mott said:
February 3rd 62
(7:55 Whitehorse, Yukon)
Capricorn Moon
Ascendant Pisces
Please proceed.
5th february 1962 23.00hours
February 16,1962-8:55 pm Brookyn, NY
Libra Rising, Moon in Leo/
Hello to all my fellow humanitarians.
February 6th 1962
February 6th 1962
February 6th 1962
Carol Lester
Born January 24th 1962
I was born Feb 5 1962 at 2:35 Am in Pensacola Fla.
Tony Man
February 4 1962
6:40 AM GMT
London, UK
Rising Sign 22 Degrees Capricorn..
Moon 04 Degrees Aquarius...
Nuff said..
Feb. 3, 1962
January 21 1962
5:30 pm
Aquarius sun Leo rising
Leo Moon
I've got a stellium in Aquarius
Kate, 23rd January 1962, virgo moon, leo rising
London, England
February 4th '62
Ascendant 22 Capricorn
Aquarius Moon
2/2/62 at 8:22 AM
Feb 11, 1962
Moon in Taurus
Scorpio ascendent
Columbus, OH
February 9, 1962
January 27, 1962
January 28, 1962
February 6th, 1962
Scorpio Ascendant, Pisces Moon
February 5,1962 NY,NY
Sagittarius Ascendant,Aquarius moon
February 5, 1962 NY,NY
Sagittarius Ascendant,Aquarius moon
joshua said
January 27th 1962
???Ascendant,??? moon
I think I could learn something here.
Sophie says:
February 2nd, 962
Virgo Ascendant, Moon Capricorn
February 10, 1962
Jane Rogers.
Born 22 January 1962.
Ascendent Libra as I was born at 10.15pm in Warrington, Cheshire.
My email address is jane.rogers@fsmail.net
January 31, 1962
Gemini ascendant, Sagitarrius moon.
January 26, 1962
Aquarius Ascendant
Libra moon
February 5th 1962
February 9, 1962
February 11, 1962
Sagitarius ASC, Taurus Moon
Feb 7th, 1962
I have always read that most astrologists think this is the week the antichrist was born. Just want to say, I don't think I'm him.
tracy dot yost at gmail dot com
Zoey said
February 4,1962
Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
From Norman Okla.
Born Oklaoma City 7:55 a.m.
Zoey said
All"personal" planets are in Aquarius conjunct in the 12th (Pisces)house.Neptune 9th, uranus leo and pluto virgo in 7th house.
I could not figure out how to vote my "yes" for the survey,pease help.
February 11, 1962
London, England
Sagittarius Ascendant, Taurus Moon
Aries rising
Gemini moon
February 16, 1962
4 February 1962
Bev... you are my astral twin..
5th february 1962.
Taurus ascendant, Aquarius moon
Born: Haarlem, Netherlands
Sarah Wright.
5th February, 1962.
Dublin, Ireland.
February 4, 1962
Libra Rising, Aquarius Moon
February 2, 1962
6:46 am
Rockville Center, NY
Sun: Aquarius 13
Moon: Capricorn 9
Ascendant: Leo 7
Warren Venaglia
February 5th 1962
Queensland, Australia
January 21, 1962
Southern OR
feb 4 1962 7:55 am
Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Aqu ascendant,Aqu moon,jupiter,venus,saturn,mercury,mars,sun (grand conjunction in the 12th house)
pluto leo
nep scorp
ur leo
Feb. 12 1962
no idea about moons and such
February 18, 1962
No clue as to moons
January 21, 1962
Moon in Leo
Drue Denise Beall
DOB: Feb. 4, 1962 @ 8:22pm
POB: Lynwood, Ca. LA COUNTY
Moon in Aquarius, Ascendant in Virgo.
Hey "D" Lynwood, Ca. LA COUNTY
we are virtually astral twins!
February 1, 1962
Taurus Ascendant, Sagitarius Moon
Maloy De Leon, FEbruary 5, 1962
Christopher R. Coppola
January 25, 1962
Long Beach, CA
Leo rising, Libra Moon
feb 11th 1962, leo rising, moon in taurus. Vicki
Feb. 12, 1962
Libra ascendant, Gemini moon
Feb. 12, 1962
Libra ascendant, Gemini moon
7th feb '62
sag asc pis moon
I am getting anxious to get on with this big roll call party, anybody else? :)
'lis January 28 1962 Aquarius ascendant, Scorpio moon.
druebeall, yes. we should crack on with a party plan..
how a bout a mass 50th birthday for all those Aquastells?
5th February (New Zealand) 1962
It's December 2009 so I'm slightly late but:-
February 9th 1962
Don't know the rest
February 3rd 1962
Brisbane, Queensland Australia
Gemini ascendant, Capricorn moon
January 25th 1962
Is anyone still managing this blog? It seems like everyone is just putting down their dates of birth and then nothing is ever going to happen with it all.
Shelli - February 6,1962
Cancer Ascendant, Pisces Moon
January 28, 1962
3:00 am
Kansas City, Missouri
February 4, 1962
Babylon, New York
Feb 9 1962
Ameagle WV
Jay Cavallaro
January 21, 1962
New York, New York aprox. 1:20 a.m.
Lauren Archer -
Feb. 5, 1962. Virgo rising, moon just moved into Pisces at 0 degrees. How close to 200 people are you? Wouldn't it be fun to explore how we all relate?
February 6, 1962
Atlanta, GA 1:59 pm
Jennie Clayton
Rising Sign is in 24 Degrees Gemini
Sun is in 17 Degrees Aquarius
Moon is in 12 Degrees Pisces
Mercury is in 14 Degrees Aquarius
Venus is in 20 Degrees Aquarius.
Mars is in 03 Degrees Aquarius
Jupiter is in 19 Degrees Aquarius
New to this
Saturn is in 04 Degrees Aquarius
Uranus is in 28 Degrees Leo
Neptune is in 13 Degrees Scorpio
Pluto is in 09 Degrees Virgo
N. Node is in 18 Degrees Leo
16. 02. 1962 in Österreich, Aszendent Skorpion, Mond in Krebs
February 16, 1962, 8:30a
Seattle Feb. 6,1962
January 23rd 1962
I knew this from a child, Sitting Bull's G-Granddaughter did my star chart, I just didn't know how significant it was.
It can't be all that significant, Teena. I mean, how pathetic are we all? Hundreds of us have been leaving our dates of birth, ascendant and moon for years and nobody has been monitoring them. Nobody seems to be planning anything. Somebody, somewhere must be laughing at us all though. How sad are we? Queueing up like Lemmings, telling ourselves we are special and filling in our birth details on a site that is completely un-manned and pointless, all expecting it will some day mean something to someone somewhere. Guess what, I reckon we're being taken for a ride.
Sarah, you sound angry and your comments are quite harsh. I see nothing sad or pathetic about it, just a connection with a group of folks that share a common birth time. I expect nothing in particular from this, but find it interesting. Does it have to be self-serving in some way?
February 1, 1962 @ 10:00 p.m.
Libra Ascendent
Capricorn Moon
2/5/62 7:13am Mesa, AZ
Aquarius first house cusp.
Studied astrology scene, 1994. Found my cart in Mountain astrologer once. Been to the astrology conferences, my cart gave me diplomatic plates.
Our chart show how to maximize our potential.
January 29, 1962
Aries Ascendant, Scorpio Moon
February 3, 1962
Don't know
St. Peter, MN
02/08/1962 at 2:22 a.m.
Don't know :)
4th Feb 62
What's this survey about?
I feel regret that I was born. Humanity is too cruel for me to be happy being a human.
Why do I feel this way?
Does anyone feel the same way?
Is there an explanation?
1] Dwayne
2] 2/2/62
3] Ascendant: 25°16' Scorpio
Capicorn 5° 41', 2nd House
Look forward to some more information
Lisa; February 4th, 1962; 6:01 a.m.
Ascendant: Capricorn; Aquarius moon
Paul W., January 25th 1962 at 730pm. I do not know my ascendant, or moon signs. Please contact me at RaiderNation62@gmail.com
February 6th 1962
I believe know is the time for the chosen one's to come together, in this season.
February 3, 1962
Virgo Ascendant, Aquarius Moon
Eldabriz, feb 13, 1962 - 03:00 pm
February 5, 1962 at 3:21am EST
Born during The Great Aquarian Conjunction Feb4&5
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were transiting the sign of Aquarius
11th Feb' 1962
I've no idea about the rest - unfortunately
danny ~ Jan. 28th, 1962, 4:55pm ~ i believe Scorpio moon, Leo rising ~ 5 planets in Aquarius ~ feel free to contact me at EmanateLove@googlemail.com
January 29, 1962
Hi I am joseph, born on Feb. 03, 1962 in India / Kerala. Dont know much about exact time of birth. Would like to hear about experiences of people born on the same day.
January 27, 1962 born in Salt Lake City, Utah ~ I don't know my moon or ascendant. ~ Beci ~
Feb.5 1962
Tripoli- Lebanon
Glenn, February 5th, 1962 10:05 am Modesto, California / Taurus Ascendant ,Aquarius Moon
I'm here
born February 4,1962 in
Fort Wayne Indiana.
Ready to make the world a better place.
February 18 1962
approx 17h23
East London
South Africa
I think I'm Aquarius rising moon in Leo or other way round! This is inriguing!!
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