The note I received from this 1962 Aquarian included the following comment:
"Years ago, when I was only 9 or 10, I read my first astrology book. The author referred to 1962 conjunction-eclipse Aquarians in the introduction. He reported that vedic astrologers believed these individuals were incarnated avatars ! It was such a peculiar statement (and being only a child, I had to look up the meaning of "avatar") that I have never forgotten it, although I cannot recall title or author of that old book. Since we are now in our 40's and 2012 approaches, I wonder how many of us are consciously involved with lightworks - energetic healing, counselling, environmental causes etc. - to me this would the practical expression of "avatar-ship". I do wonder why none of our group has made major public contributions to date (except the athletes noted in one survey)since our charts should ordain us as highly intelligent, group-organizing, progressive visionaries with a unique social consciousness ... "Well I personally don't know the meaning of the term Avatar. Though I've seen it used in the web context, where people design their own 'avatar' figurines in forums, virtual worlds and other online settings. So I looked up the term in the online dictionary. The answer was:
- The incarnation of a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.
In Hinduism, an avatar or avatara or avataram (Sanskrit अवतार), is the incarnation (bodily manifestation) of an Immortal Being, or of the Ultimate Supreme Being. It derives from the Sanskrit word avatāra which means "descent" and usually implies a deliberate descent into mortal realms for special purposes. The term is used primarily in Hinduism, for incarnations of Vishnu the Preserver, whom many Hindus worship as God.
I don't think it's a good idea for 1962 Aquarians to start thinking they are some sort of special gifted species, but on the other hand I find this kind of information intriguing.
Does anyone know the book source of this quote about 1962 Aquarian avatars? I'd much appreciate any comments from people around this whole issue.
And lastly, if you are an Aquarian born in 1962 and have not yet introduced yourself at the inital meeting spot, please look into this.
Hi Moira. This is alan, 2/3/62
I'll jump in on this one.
I'd love to know what astrology book that was. There are a number of references written over the years to "something important" about "our" incarnation. Here on the initial meeting spot I refered to writings about Sri Nityananda, himself an Avatar, or fully realized incarnation (Guru of Swami Muktananda, who was the founder of Siddha Yoga) who left his body in the autumn of 1961 to fully engage in an important task for saving humanity on a critical date in 1962. We all know what date that is. I don't know if any of us aquastells were born "fully realized", but maybe we're connected to the event of the incarnation of an Avatar, or the birthing of a new, more awakened consciousness within the collective body of humankind. I have always thought so. It's wonderful to see people involved in social reform, but in my opinion that isn't what's going to "save" us. This is a critical time, and there is a critical mass of souls incarnated at this time to take part in the birthing of this new consciousness. It's fly or die now people, no time to waste. There's an awful lot of misery that needs a radical kick in the can, man. It's not just us aquastells who are on the forefront of this new consciousness, but I do think there is some kind of key we aquastells hold, some special thing to perform. I'm not saying get a bigger ego over it, that's silly. We should be honored and humbled with such a task. The time for revolution is over, in fact there is no more time for that. This is the time for evolution. To me the task is simple: find a way to go deep (meditation, etc.) and connect to the source of Peace, or God, or whatever you want to call it and merge. Bring that Peace into every moment in your life and spread it to everyone you meet NOW and fulfill your destiny. Don't get all anxious, just simply do it and find that Grace and spread it. I know there's at least a few of you who know what I'm talking about. Peace, alan
Nicely said alan
you must have both feet on the ground right now
Breath not yoga
but breathwork
it is the most natural way to wake
up the higher self within
hopefully there is a breathworker
near you
from the cusp
Hi James. I agree, breathe consciously. Breath is the movement of life, every experience/moment is contained in a breath. Breath can be followed to Source of Being.
An awesome book I highly recommend that opens exploration into Being in Grace consciousness and truly and effectively changing closed and "useless" patterns of consciousness in ourselves, and effecting those changes in humanity, is Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now".
Fellow aquastells who want to help birth Avatar, or bring about incarnation of God in human consciousness (these are just words pointing to an event of dynamic change), save humanity, save Earth and her holy expressions: breathe, meditate, practice being present in every moment, feel God within, feel God in all beings, connect. Fulfill your destiny. Peace, alan
I know I get a little excited and carried away but isn't there anyone else out there who has any thoughts to add to this subject?
Peace, alan
Naw, Alan, you're fine, I'm the one who drives people away! :)
I believe there was another huge Aquarian stellium in the winter of 1998.
Jan 1/98 was the birthdate of the new amalgamated Toronto, quite appropriate don't you think?
Hey anonymous,
where do you drive people away to? And what do you drive them in? And what do you do with them after you drive them away? Huh? That's what I wanna know! I know who you are ;o) Luv ya!
Hi Isthmus.
Tell us more about the '98 conjunction and Toronto.
Are you an aquastell?
Hi Alan,
During '98, Venus, Uranus, Mars and Jupiter were in Aquarius and if you are thinking the winter, you could add in the sun. As for Toronto, it had moon in Aquarius.
The amalgamation seemed a fitting description with the growth and consolidation of "networks" like public transit. (Saturn was in Aries and Pluto in Sag at the time, both sextiling the Aqu stellium).
I'm not an Aqu stellium myself, I only have ASC and Mars in the sign.
Have a feeling that quote came from either Sybil Leek or Jean Dixon.
Hi Surya
The age of Aquarius is supposed to be a time of enlightenment and humanity when people will begin to foster more peace, brotherhood and awareness of who we are as spiritual beings. At least that's a snippet of my take on it. Are these things that resonate with you? Are you in India? If you look in this site for the Meeting Place you can introduce yourself with the rest of us 1962 Aquarians. Peace, Alan
Dear StarChildren,
Here is a new computer desktop wallpaper y'all might enjoy:
StarChild from 2001: a space odyssey
Hi gang,
I'm getting on a bit late from this initial conversation.
I totally agree with Alan about it begins with us as an individual to know ourselves,not through the ego but through your heart, to have the faith to look very deep within ourselves and clear up the childhood wounds or misconceptions we have about ourselves.It's interesting to me the more I have had to courage to begin with myself on this path of healing and wholeness it has effected other's around me positively too.
I love Mr. Tolle's work.It's interesting that Oprah who is an Aquarian is presenting 'A New Earth-Awakening to your Life's purpose' by Eckhart Tolle.
He speaks of the breath. This is the easiest way to have communion to your 'higher-self'.To feel the loving grace of God that we are apart of and never separate from.This has helped me so much when I feel overwhelmed and alone.I too have had experiences in my life that have been very painful,I now know that my resistance to these experiences made them worse.As weird as it seems I'm grateful for these dark times,for they have taught me how to be more loving and compassionate with myself and other's.You guy's are not alone in your human suffering,but I can only share what has helped me regain hope it was also asking for the right teacher's to come into my life to guide me in finding my inner-source,my inner teacher.
Something as easy as walking in nature has been a nuturing experience for me too.I hope this helps.
Respectfully, Colleen 2/17/62
hi my name is charul born on 9th february 1962 at mumbai india, interestingly some astrloger had something similar that my chart was that of a mystic : i m as of now though involved in the work of transformation ..... plse be in touch my email is charulda@gmail.com
Hi, i was born feb 9 1962, at 5:53 am
8 planets in the 1st house.
Hello Isadora, how are you?
I don't know if you ever heard about Jeane Dixon's Prophecy on Maitreya (the buddhist term for the coming World Teacher) for Feb. 5, 1962, but I'll leave here an interesting excerpt:
"Jean Dixon Prophecy on Maitreya."
New Age leaders and propagandists accepted her vision on the birthdate of Maitreya. Feb 5, 1962, Dixon claimed to have had a vision of the New Age Messiah. She claims that during her vision she saw Pharaoh Ikhnaton and Queen Nefertiti, patron saints of occultism, with a child in their arms. In the vision the Queen held out her hands as an offering to the world. Dixon described the child as "all knowing... and full of wisdom and knowledge".. As the child grew there was a cross seen above his head which grew and grew till, "it dripped over the earth in all directions". She says simultaneously, peoples of every race, religion, and color each kneeling and lifting the arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded him. They were all as one. "Dixon
believed this "Messiah" would bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith... the world as we know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without wars or suffering." Dixon now has repented and has become a Catholic. Her view of the "Child of the East" have changed. She now wrote that she thought he was going to be the Antichrist: "The circumstances surrounding the birth of the "Child of the East" and the events I have since seen taking place in my life make him appear so Christlike, yet so different, that there is no doubt in my mind that the child "child" is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world in Satan's name. Dixon was claimed to have some of the "state's evidence" against the "Child of the East" that she had at first, hoped to save the world. She says that the child will become aware of his mission at the age of twelve (1974). Dixon proceeds, " He will then expand his influence, and those around him will finally from a small nucleus of dedicated followers when he reaches the age of nineteen (1981). He will quietly work with them till he is twenty-nine years or thirty years old (1991-1992), when the forcefullness and impact of his presence in the world will begin to bear the forbidden fruit. Dixon says that just as Jesus Christ and his disciples spread the Gospel, the disciples of the antichrist will spread the Gospel of his God (Christ Conciousness). She says that the main difference between the latter is that Maitreya's disciples will not stand alone, they will have the propaganda of the United States backing them advancing his cause, " beyond anything ever possible". Apparently Benjamin Creme hasn't heard of Jean Dixon's second opinion either. In Share International's Questions and Answers December 85' issue Creme was asked if Dixon's prophecy of the Messiah was Maitreya. Creme said he agreed with Dixon and he believed that Mrs. Dixon had "Correctly turned into an actual thought form of the return of Christ".
Taken from:
A further personal note:
It is known that in buddhist art, Maitreya was commonly represented holding a water phial (Kumbha). This is curious, since Aquarius is represented as a Water-Bearer. ;)
Hello Isadora, how are you?
I don't know if you ever heard about Jeane Dixon's Prophecy on Maitreya (the buddhist term for the coming World Teacher) for Feb. 5, 1962, but I'll leave here an interesting excerpt:
"Jean Dixon Prophecy on Maitreya."
New Age leaders and propagandists accepted her vision on the birthdate of Maitreya. Feb 5, 1962, Dixon claimed to have had a vision of the New Age Messiah. She claims that during her vision she saw Pharaoh Ikhnaton and Queen Nefertiti, patron saints of occultism, with a child in their arms. In the vision the Queen held out her hands as an offering to the world. Dixon described the child as "all knowing... and full of wisdom and knowledge".. As the child grew there was a cross seen above his head which grew and grew till, "it dripped over the earth in all directions". She says simultaneously, peoples of every race, religion, and color each kneeling and lifting the arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded him. They were all as one. "Dixon
believed this "Messiah" would bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith... the world as we know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without wars or suffering." Dixon now has repented and has become a Catholic. Her view of the "Child of the East" have changed. She now wrote that she thought he was going to be the Antichrist: "The circumstances surrounding the birth of the "Child of the East" and the events I have since seen taking place in my life make him appear so Christlike, yet so different, that there is no doubt in my mind that the child "child" is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world in Satan's name. Dixon was claimed to have some of the "state's evidence" against the "Child of the East" that she had at first, hoped to save the world. She says that the child will become aware of his mission at the age of twelve (1974). Dixon proceeds, " He will then expand his influence, and those around him will finally from a small nucleus of dedicated followers when he reaches the age of nineteen (1981). He will quietly work with them till he is twenty-nine years or thirty years old (1991-1992), when the forcefullness and impact of his presence in the world will begin to bear the forbidden fruit. Dixon says that just as Jesus Christ and his disciples spread the Gospel, the disciples of the antichrist will spread the Gospel of his God (Christ Conciousness). She says that the main difference between the latter is that Maitreya's disciples will not stand alone, they will have the propaganda of the United States backing them advancing his cause, " beyond anything ever possible". Apparently Benjamin Creme hasn't heard of Jean Dixon's second opinion either. In Share International's Questions and Answers December 85' issue Creme was asked if Dixon's prophecy of the Messiah was Maitreya. Creme said he agreed with Dixon and he believed that Mrs. Dixon had "Correctly turned into an actual thought form of the return of Christ".
Taken from:
A further personal note:
It is known that in buddhist art, Maitreya was commonly represented holding a water phial (Kumbha). This is curious, since Aquarius is represented as a Water-Bearer. ;)
Hello Isadora, how are you?
I don't know if you ever heard about Jeane Dixon's Prophecy on Maitreya (the buddhist term for the coming World Teacher) for Feb. 5, 1962, but I'll leave here an interesting excerpt:
"Jean Dixon Prophecy on Maitreya."
New Age leaders and propagandists accepted her vision on the birthdate of Maitreya. Feb 5, 1962, Dixon claimed to have had a vision of the New Age Messiah. She claims that during her vision she saw Pharaoh Ikhnaton and Queen Nefertiti, patron saints of occultism, with a child in their arms. In the vision the Queen held out her hands as an offering to the world. Dixon described the child as "all knowing... and full of wisdom and knowledge".. As the child grew there was a cross seen above his head which grew and grew till, "it dripped over the earth in all directions". She says simultaneously, peoples of every race, religion, and color each kneeling and lifting the arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded him. They were all as one. "Dixon
believed this "Messiah" would bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith... the world as we know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without wars or suffering." Dixon now has repented and has become a Catholic. Her view of the "Child of the East" have changed. She now wrote that she thought he was going to be the Antichrist: "The circumstances surrounding the birth of the "Child of the East" and the events I have since seen taking place in my life make him appear so Christlike, yet so different, that there is no doubt in my mind that the child "child" is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world in Satan's name. Dixon was claimed to have some of the "state's evidence" against the "Child of the East" that she had at first, hoped to save the world. She says that the child will become aware of his mission at the age of twelve (1974). Dixon proceeds, " He will then expand his influence, and those around him will finally from a small nucleus of dedicated followers when he reaches the age of nineteen (1981). He will quietly work with them till he is twenty-nine years or thirty years old (1991-1992), when the forcefullness and impact of his presence in the world will begin to bear the forbidden fruit. Dixon says that just as Jesus Christ and his disciples spread the Gospel, the disciples of the antichrist will spread the Gospel of his God (Christ Conciousness). She says that the main difference between the latter is that Maitreya's disciples will not stand alone, they will have the propaganda of the United States backing them advancing his cause, " beyond anything ever possible". Apparently Benjamin Creme hasn't heard of Jean Dixon's second opinion either. In Share International's Questions and Answers December 85' issue Creme was asked if Dixon's prophecy of the Messiah was Maitreya. Creme said he agreed with Dixon and he believed that Mrs. Dixon had "Correctly turned into an actual thought form of the return of Christ".
Taken from:
A further personal note:
It is known that in buddhist art, Maitreya was commonly represented holding a water phial (Kumbha). This is curious, since Aquarius is represented as a Water-Bearer. ;)
Hello Isadora, how are you?
I don't know if you ever heard about Jeane Dixon's Prophecy on Maitreya (the buddhist term for the coming World Teacher) for Feb. 5, 1962, but I'll leave here an interesting excerpt:
"Jean Dixon Prophecy on Maitreya."
New Age leaders and propagandists accepted her vision on the birthdate of Maitreya. Feb 5, 1962, Dixon claimed to have had a vision of the New Age Messiah. She claims that during her vision she saw Pharaoh Ikhnaton and Queen Nefertiti, patron saints of occultism, with a child in their arms. In the vision the Queen held out her hands as an offering to the world. Dixon described the child as "all knowing... and full of wisdom and knowledge".. As the child grew there was a cross seen above his head which grew and grew till, "it dripped over the earth in all directions". She says simultaneously, peoples of every race, religion, and color each kneeling and lifting the arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded him. They were all as one. "Dixon
believed this "Messiah" would bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith... the world as we know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without wars or suffering." Dixon now has repented and has become a Catholic. Her view of the "Child of the East" have changed. She now wrote that she thought he was going to be the Antichrist: "The circumstances surrounding the birth of the "Child of the East" and the events I have since seen taking place in my life make him appear so Christlike, yet so different, that there is no doubt in my mind that the child "child" is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world in Satan's name. Dixon was claimed to have some of the "state's evidence" against the "Child of the East" that she had at first, hoped to save the world. She says that the child will become aware of his mission at the age of twelve (1974). Dixon proceeds, " He will then expand his influence, and those around him will finally from a small nucleus of dedicated followers when he reaches the age of nineteen (1981). He will quietly work with them till he is twenty-nine years or thirty years old (1991-1992), when the forcefullness and impact of his presence in the world will begin to bear the forbidden fruit. Dixon says that just as Jesus Christ and his disciples spread the Gospel, the disciples of the antichrist will spread the Gospel of his God (Christ Conciousness). She says that the main difference between the latter is that Maitreya's disciples will not stand alone, they will have the propaganda of the United States backing them advancing his cause, " beyond anything ever possible". Apparently Benjamin Creme hasn't heard of Jean Dixon's second opinion either. In Share International's Questions and Answers December 85' issue Creme was asked if Dixon's prophecy of the Messiah was Maitreya. Creme said he agreed with Dixon and he believed that Mrs. Dixon had "Correctly turned into an actual thought form of the return of Christ".
Taken from:
2/6/62 dr Steve I practice emergency medicine in NYC.I play guitar and piano and write songs.I love the water
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