It will be a very buoyant time for Aquarians. The potential for great luck and progress is there for those who seize the opportunity and take action towards their goals.
Anyone born near February 8th will feel this influence very strongly over the next year because this New Moon will be represented in their solar return.
Anyone with other planets at eighteen to twenty-two degrees of Aquarius will feel this influence at least throughout February.
This New Moon in Aquarius is also joined by three other planets in Aquarius; Mercury, Venus and Neptune.
Jupiter will be making a strong supportive aspect to the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune during this New Moon.
Jupiter is trining Aquarian planets throughout 2005. For more info on the Jupiter transit, link here at Aquarian Digest.
For further interpretations of monthly new and full moons, check out the succinct and excellent luminary reports at Oculus Divinorum.
The image above is "Point of Light" by Marlene Healey