January 26, 2007

Transiting Mars Trine Natal Pluto

This can be a very energizing transit. It's a short lived transit typically lasting for less than three days. It can be a productive time of initiating new paths in life.

This transit is relatively common and occurs once or twice a year.

Are you an Aquarian who's experienced this transit lately? Please add your comments about this transit below.


paulo said...

My last Mars-Pluto transit (conjuntion over my eighth house Pluto) was a bit dramatic.
I came from a strange group experience and during trip I came with people smoking weed while giving me a lift (I dont smoke): well, it was crazy. Usually I never accept a lift from strangers without trusting my intuition but that time I was "forced" to accept it since there were no public transports. The sense of Pluto was and impending dangers was strong that day!

FLORES said...

I want to give a big thanks to a great spell caster commonly known as DR TAKUTA for the great spiritual prayers he did in my life by bringing my ex-lover back to me after many months of breakup and loneliness. With this, I am convinced that you are sent to this word to rescue people from heartbreaks and also to help us get the solution to every relationship problem. for those of you out there who have one relationship problem or the other why not contact DR TAKUTA. that is the best place you can solve all your problems, including a lack of jobs and promotions, binding and marriage spells, divorce and attraction spells, anxiety and depression problems, good luck and lotto spells, fertility, and pregnancy spells, and also the business success and customer increase, winning court cases and many more. contact him at takutaspellalter@gmail.com or contact mobile contact +27788634102